Taking panorama pictures

There is much more to Panorama functionality than just taking various landscape images in horizontal format. One may also create vertical panoramas and also combinations of horizontal and vertical files. This is specifically beneficial when one can’t physically reach far enough from the subject to capture it, even with the wide angle lens. Once may also accomplish incredible Depth of Field by merging background and foreground files which were shot in sharp focus. 

Taking the photograph

First of all, while taking the photograph, I pan the scene from the left to the right. This is my personal choice, and it assists to assemble the files later after editing, as the file numbers will be in ascending sequential order. I utilize a tripod while shooting at the lower shutter speeds necessary to work professionally and get as little aperture as possible to enhance the sharpness of a panorama camera (panoramakamera). 

Exclusive focus

Utilize the panorama functionality to enhance DoF. I just composed a shot of a long woodpile, by starting it almost 5-6 feet away from me at the lower left corner of the frame and then going diagonally up and across the photograph, ending almost hundreds of feet away. By taking a series of shots using the user manual camera (bedienungsanleitung kamera), utilizing a tripod and also as less aperture as possible, I changed the focus as I panned up and over the woodpile. 

Post editing

Let us discuss some of the problems I have leant to handle. I have utilized various editors in the past, and now utilize PS CS3 which has an incredible automated procedure for merging the files. Along with network camera software (netzwerkkamera software), I have to deal with problems with other pieces of software where parts of the image don’t like up precisely, or one side was darker than the other. This is the time when you may want to utilize a mask to lighten up some shadows or repair some clipped highlights on any side of the panorama.   
