Panorama Photography for Beginners

How frequently have you come home from your holiday with dozens or even hundred of pictures, just to feel disappointed that somehow your pictures never appear to capture the grandeur of the sights that you have just witnessed? I understand as I have faced the same situation countless times. Well, why that happens? I have a good quality camera and I know how to utilize it. My pictures aren’t too dark or too light; they’re not poorly composed or blurry or out of focus. I think you understand that there is something missing. But what it is? Okay, imagine you’re standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon. You stare out, and your eyes witness a gorgeous panoramic vista up to a complete 160 degrees wide. This is where you need a panorama camera . Now imagine holding up the camera and looking through the viewfinder to capture that lovely scene. Suddenly your grand 160 degrees is reduced to 40 degrees, if you have normal lens, or might be up to 60 degrees with a wide angle lens. ...